UDC Women's Track & Field Opens Season at Alan Connie Shamrock Invite

UDC Women's Track & Field Opens Season at Alan Connie Shamrock Invite

MYRTLE BEACH, SC- the University of the District of Columbia's women's Outdoor Track and Field team had a strong season opener competing in the Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational.


Iyanna Jackson ran a time of 12.38s.


Iyanna Jackson ran a time of 25.44s to place 10th out of a field of 96. 

Ayesha Jarrett clocked in at 25.99s


Rainn Sheppard 2:21:04 9th/26

Samantha Morrison 2:23:54 12th/26


Ayesha Jarrett ran a time of 59.64s to place 9th/39

Tukey Francis clocked in at 1:00:70


Long Jump

Zoe Shaw Leaped to 5.07m to place 8th/54


Hammer Throw /Shot Put

Emmanuela Katou Kouami threw 40.05m 22/61 and then set a PR in the shot put with a throw of 11.59m to place 11th/59


Up next UDC  will compete in the Towson invitational on 3/29.